
Croppy - PHP Framework for image manipulation

Version: 1.3
PHP Version: php >= 8.0



Croppy is actually available trough Composer (recommended) or direct download.

To use Composer, just add this line to your composer.json file:

"croppy/croppy": "~1.1"

and run the follow command:

composer install

You can also run the follow command in the terminal (you must be in the project directory):

composer require croppy/croppy


Basic usage:

use Croppy\Croppy\Croppy;
use Croppy\Croppy\Exception;

require 'path/to/src/Croppy.php';
require 'path/to/src/Exception.php';

$croppy = new Croppy();
$croppy->resize(700, 700, false); // width, height, crop

Resize, crop and output:

use Croppy\Croppy\Croppy;
use Croppy\Croppy\Exception;

require 'path/to/src/Croppy.php';
require 'path/to/src/Exception.php';

$croppy = new Croppy();
// set crop position x, y 
$croppy->setCropPosition($croppy::CROPCENTER, $croppy::CROPSTART); // $croppy::CROPSTART | $croppy::CROPCENTER | $croppy::CROPEND
// set background color
$croppy->setBackground(255, 255, 255, 100); // R, G, B, opacity
$croppy->resize(700, 700, true); // width, height, crop

// get path of input file
echo $croppy->getSourcePath();


setSourcePath (string $sourcePath) : void
Defines the path of the source image, can be relative or absolute

setJpegQuality (int $quality = 80) : void
Defines quality for JPEG images (0 - 100), 100 best quality

setWebpQuality (int $quality = 80) : void
Defines quality for WEBP images (0 - 100), 100 best quality

setPngCompression (int $compression = 6) : void
Defines quality for PNG images (0 - 9), 0 means no compression

setUpScaleAllowed (bool $upScaleAllowed = false) : void
Deinfes if images should be scaled up (distort image), default is false

getSourcePath () : string
Returns the path to the source image. It could return a relative or absolute path (depends on input)

setCropPosition ($cropAlignmentX = Croppy::CROPCENTER, $cropAlignmentY = Croppy::CROPCENTER) : void
Defines the crop position of the image. $crop flag must be set to true.
$cropAlignmentX defines the horizontal alignment, $cropAlignmentY defines the vertical alignment. Possible values: Croppy::CROPSTART, Croppy::CROPCENTER, Croppy::CROPEND

setBackground ($backgroundColorR, $backgroundColorB, $backgroundColorG, $opacity = 100) : void
Set background color, which is always set in resize and extend method. Actually Croppy only supports RGB. $opacity defines the opacity of the background color (100 is complete transparent).

resize (float $destinationWidth, float $destinationHeight, bool $crop = false) : bool
Resize image to the given $destinationWidth and $destinationHeight. If $crop is set to true, the image will be cropped. If $crop is set to false, the image will be adjusted (max width and max height).

extend (float $destinationWidth, float $destinationHeight) : bool
Extends image area and fill background with $backgroundColor. Could also used for crop image without resize.

save ($destinationPath, $convertType = false) : bool
Writes the generated image to the defined $destinationPath.
$convertType enables the conversion of the image type. The destination image type will be identify from the filename in $destinationPath (ex. path/to/image.webp will convert the image to WEBP). Return true on success or false on failure.

output ($convertType = false) : void
Streams the image direct to output and set Content-Type header.
$convertType enables the conversion of the image type. The destination image type will be identify from the filename in $destinationPath (ex. path/to/image.webp will convert the image to WEBP). Return true on success or false on failure.

Planned features for further releases:

Changelog version 1.3 (15.11.2022):

Changelog version 1.2 (31.12.2020):

Changelog version 1.1 (19.09.2020):

If you are missing a feature, please create a pull request :)

Made with ❤ in South Tyrol by Armin Runggaldier